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Heartbreak and Honor Page 25

  Alexa faced him, her indecision apparent. “Is that wise, confronting them? They’ll just lie. Without proof, there’s nothing to be done, is there?”

  “What did the letter your father left for you say?” Lucan hoped there might be something helpful in the contents.

  “I don’t know. It disappeared and no one has seen it since Mr. Ponsby set it on the table. I think Harrison might have filched it.”

  He would, the sneaky blackguard. “Or Minerva. If so, it’s undoubtedly been destroyed.”

  Along with any incriminating evidence against the pair.

  “True.” Alexa dragged in a breath, holding it for an instant before gradually exhaling.

  A stronger, more self-controlled, and resilient woman he’d never met. He knew men with less fortitude, but he needed to comfort and reassure Alexa, her resilience be damned.

  Lucan drew her unresisting form into his arms. Inhaling her unique spicy scent, he rested his head atop hers, contentment unlike anything he’d ever known engulfing him.

  Encircling his waist, she melded against him and issued a soft, happy sigh, which flew straight to his already full heart.

  He thought he knew passion and want, but this burning in his blood, aching of his soul, surpassed desire and the base need for physical release.

  Why, amongst the ladies he’d known, many of whom he’d shared the ultimate carnal pleasure with, had this petite, spirited Highlander been the woman to crack his carefully constructed barriers?

  Lucan’s burgeoning love squashed his cynical outlook regarding marriage until making Alexa his consumed him. He could almost be persuaded to believe in fate and destiny, or that a higher force brought them together. What other explanation sufficed, for their paths having crossed?

  Alexa snuggled closer, her head nestled against the curve of his shoulder.

  A commotion echoed in outside the door, and they guiltily sprang apart. A moment later, Baron Devaux-Rousset, then Miss Needham and Miss Ferguson, bearing a bloodied and bedraggled Miss Atterberry, swarmed into the room.

  The latter struggled free of their grasps and stumbled forward a pair of tottering steps. “Alexa, Mama means to see you dead.”

  Chapter 28

  “What in heaven’s name has happened? Shona, have you been assaulted?” Chagrin coupled with alarm propelled Alexa from the window seat.

  Her sister lurched across the room. Sobbing, she threw herself into Alexa’s arms.

  Alexa staggered backward several paces. Thank goodness no one seemed to notice the untoward position she and Lucan were in when the others plowed into the salon unannounced.

  Shona’s words registered at last.

  Minerva wants me dead? No. Means to see me dead.

  Alexa squeezed her eyes shut against nauseating fear.

  “Forgive me. I should have come to you when I first suspected something nefarious, but I was confused. And afraid.” Mouth quivering and eyes red-rimmed, Shona dashed at the tears skimming her rounded cheeks. She clasped Alexa’s forearm. “Please understand, although thrilled to have a sister, I was terrified Mama’s well-laid plans for my life had been disrupted.”

  She touched her battered face. “She has a vicious, vicious, temper when thwarted.”

  “Did she strike you?” How else had Shona acquired her swollen lip and bruises?

  Her sister nodded and sniffed. “Yes, although it’s not the first time. I missed last Season due to a severe beating. I refused to marry an ancient lecher with a fat purse.”

  Shona’s life hadn’t been what Alexa assumed.

  Lucan appeared at Alexa’s side and produced his kerchief. “Here, dry your tears and tell us what has happened. Devaux, I presume you escorted the ladies?”

  Alexa veered a covert glance in Seonaid’s direction and found her taking in the room’s decor while pointedly avoiding looking in the baron’s direction. Whatever had occurred between them to cause such a rift?

  “Oui. I needed to discuss a pressing business matter with Mr. Needham, and when I didn’t find him at the bank, I called at their home.” Lord Devaux-Rousset clasped his hands behind his back, his attention focused on Seonaid once more. “Most fortunate that I did so.”

  “Suppose it depends on one’s idea of fortunate, no?” Seonaid murmured with a falsely sweet smile.

  Lord Devaux-Rousset’s raven brows rose, and he nonchalantly smoothed his neat mustache. Male appreciation glinted in his dark eyes even as his lips moved the merest bit.

  Alexa wrapped an arm about Shona’s waist and guided her to a divan. “Sit and let me have a good look at your injuries.”

  Katrina tossed her bonnet and gloves on a table beside a bronze stag statue before plopping beside Shona. “Mama and Papa have gone to pay their respects to the family of one of Papa’s former clerks who passed yesterday. When Shona arrived disheveled, babbling hysterically, and begging to speak with you, Seonaid and I knew at once we must find you.”

  “How did you find me?” Alexa tilted Shona’s face and suppressed a gasp upon spying partial fingermarks encircling her neck. Minerva or Harrison?

  “When the duke came for you, he told our butler where you’d be in case someone sought you at Hyde Park.” A naughty smirk teased Katrina’s mouth.


  Houston rapped upon the doorjamb. “I have taken the liberty of ordering fresh tea and a light repast as well as have asked for cold water, ointment, and cloths for the young lady.”

  “Excellent.” Lucan pulled the window covering aside and perused the street. What did he seek?

  “Should I send for a physician?” Expression concerned, the majordomo’s troubled regard hovered on Shona.

  Alexa blinked. Why, his proper exterior hides a gallant’s heart.

  Shona shook her head. “No, no. Nothing’s broken this time. Just a few cuts and bruises.”

  Lucan glanced behind him to Shona huddled on the couch, and frowned. “Houston, please send for Mr. Thaddaeus Palmer of the Bow Street Runners. If he’s not available, request another runner come in his stead. Make sure they are aware the matter is urgent and discretion is mandated.”

  Shoulders squared with self-importance, Houston inclined his head. “At once, Your Grace.”

  Lucan turned away from the window and straightened his askew waistcoat. Nothing to be done about his awry neckcloth, however.

  Had anyone noticed?

  Renewed desire spurred Alexa to lower her lashes and focus her wayward thoughts elsewhere, lest someone detect her secret.

  Black Hessians appeared in her line of vision. Lord Devaux-Rousset? He would do nicely to distract her from her carnal thoughts. She tilted her chin. “So, my lord, you felt the need to accompany my sister?”

  That Seonaid consented to ride in the same carriage as the baron without smacking him with her umbrella indicated much.

  “Yes, his lordship insisted on assuming the role of our protector.” Seonaid glided to an armchair and gracefully sank onto the cushion.

  Devaux-Rousset’s hawk-like gaze swept her before his lips inched upward. “Lady Atterberry vowed you were in jeopardy,” he said with the slightest French accent. “Given her unkempt state, I felt her concern valid, and I couldn’t permit the ladies to venture outdoors without an armed escort.”

  He pushed aside his Spanish-brown greatcoat to reveal a sleek pistol tucked into his waistband.

  Lucan perched a hip on the divan’s arm and laid a hand upon Alexa’s shoulder. “Lady Atterberry, why did you think Alexa was in danger?”

  Shona darted him a shy glance, before her gaze skittered away, and she lifted one shoulder. “I’ve known for some time that Mama and Uncle are involved in something . . . untoward. I overheard snatches of conversations, which made no sense, and more than once,” her face glowed crimson, “I s
aw Uncle Harrison sneak from Mama’s chamber.”

  “Harrison in Minerva’s chamber?” Alexa’s gaze collided with Lucan’s before careening to Katrina’s and Seonaid’s mutually flabbergasted expressions.

  “Yes.” Shona tittered, pinkening. Her embarrassed snigger ended abruptly, and she touched her injured mouth. “Mama often sent me to bed without supper. I’m too plump, you see.”

  All women were too plump compared to Minerva’s pole thin figure.

  Katrina made a tsking sound, her robin’s-egg blue eyes sparking angrily.

  Shona grimaced then scowled at her full middle. “I learned to pick the lock and often sneaked to the kitchen when my hunger grew too awful to bear.”

  “You poor dear. How often did she lock you in your chamber?” Katrina grasped Shona’s hand, and the girl bestowed a grateful smile on her.

  “Oh, Mama locked me in every night.” Shona winked, or at least tried to. Her reddened, puffed-up eye scarcely moved. “But once I learned to escape, I prowled the house, spying on them.”

  Her sister possessed more mettle than Alexa had credited her.

  “How clever and daring. I’m sure your excursions proved interesting.” Lucan grazed Alexa’s shoulder with his fingertips.

  Shona nodded, so eager for approval that Alexa’s stomach ached in compassion.

  A shadow passed across Shona’s face, and she pursed her lips, her focus fixed upon her tattered slippers.

  “Forgive me, Alexa, for not saying anything sooner. I saw Mama steal the letter from your papa when no one paid attention. She stuffed it into her reticule. The moment we got home, she and Uncle Harrison sequestered themselves in the study.”

  Shona twisted her lips and wrinkled her nose. “Mercy, the row they had.”

  Houston re-entered the room. “Here, miss. It’s ice cold.”

  She gratefully accepted the damp cloth Houston handed her and patted at her discolored face.

  “How did you learn what happened, Miss Atterberry?” Lord Devaux-Rousset stood behind Seonaid’s chair.

  “I know I’m wicked, but I took the letter and read it. Then I hid it.” Shona inhaled a ragged breath. “Your nurse had been Steafan’s too, Alexa. He trusted her more than anyone else, according to what I overheard, eavesdropping on Mama. She said Harrison and her cousin caught Nurse sneaking you away.”

  The doll’s shoe beneath the willow.

  Tears surged to Shona’s eyes. “That beastly cousin killed the poor thing and dumped her body, heaven knows where.”

  Oh, God.

  Such evil boggled Alexa’s mind. “Probably in the same area my mother found me hiding.”

  She scarcely believed what Shona had revealed. At great risk to herself, her sister had sought Alexa to protect her.

  “The letter?” Lucan prompted, kindly.

  “They beat me, but I wouldn’t tell them where I concealed it. I knew you’d need it as evidence, Alexa.” Pride colored her words as she opened her reticule. She handed Alexa the badly crumpled paper. “Here. Read it.”

  “Thank you.” Alexa turned the missive over. A long, jagged tear bore witness to the missive’s violent opening.

  “When they left the house today, I picked the lock and practically ran the distance to the Needhams’ to warn you.” Shoulders sagging, Shona drooped against the divan, dejection crumpling her face. Biting her lips and wringing her hands, tears trickled from her eyes.

  “Mama plans to hire someone to kill you. For your inheritance.”

  Katrina choked on a ragged gasp.

  “The devil you say!” Lucan sprang to his feet, his nostrils flared and eyes glinting threateningly.

  “I’m a despicable daughter for betraying my mother, but I couldn’t let them harm you.” Giving a wobbly smile, Shona winced when her lip’s dried blood cracked anew. “I’m sure you must hate me, Alexa, because the committee awarded me the title. I’m not sure who was more surprised, Mama, Uncle Harrison, or me.”

  “You are not a despicable daughter, and I don’t hate you. You risked so much to deliver the truth to me, which says a great deal about your honorable character.” Alexa squeezed Shona’s hand. “I much prefer you have the title.”

  “Truly?” Doubt warred with hope in her eyes. “Mama said it went to me because the Hinton sisters’ cousin was on the committee, and he abhors Scots and gypsies. He persuaded the others to vote against you.”

  Well, at least Alexa knew the why of it now.

  Shona dropped her gaze and fiddled with her cuff’s torn lace. “I feel just dreadful, Alexa. The barony should have gone to you.”

  “Miss Shona, you’ll have to tell the runner what you’ve seen and heard.” Though softly spoken, the gravity of Lucan’s words struck home. “The scandal will be immense, perchance even insurmountable, but they cannot be allowed to commit murder or remain free.”

  “I know.” Shona sucked her lower lip into her mouth, fresh tears balancing on her stumpy lashes. “I . . . I don’t want to be like her.”

  “You’re not, Shona. You’ve already proven that.” Alexa embraced her. “You have me now, and my family.”

  Teary-eyed, Katrina nodded and hugged Shona. “Yes, we shall pretend to be sisters too.”

  Alexa unfolded the wrinkled mess. Neat writing covered the page, and she tried to smooth the creases. She couldn’t read the lone communication she’d ever receive from her father while observed by others, keen interest riddling their gazes, as they gauged her reaction.

  “Excuse me.” She retreated to the window seat once more. The day’s gloom had deepened further, and an occasional snowflake sifted from the sky onto the deserted street. Angling her back to them, she read and reread the words.

  If you are reading this, my beloved Alexa, then I’m dead.

  Forgive me for sending you away, but I had to be positive you were safe, that Minerva couldn’t find you until you were old enough to read this and know the danger she presents to you.

  Whatever you do, my darling daughter, do not trust her. Ever. I learned too late that I had been taken in by the scheming witch . . .

  After refolding the letter, Alexandra held it to her chest. How her heart ached for a man she barely remembered astonished her, but the biting pain throbbed fiercely.

  “I think we should return home and tell Mama and Papa what has occurred.” Katrina’s soft voice yanked Alexa back to the salon.

  She sighed and stood. “That’s wise.”

  Sliding on her gloves, Katrina tilted her head. “Shona, I’m sure they will want you to stay with us until this, er, situation is sorted out.”

  Until Minerva and Harrison are apprehended and jailed, you mean.

  Alexa caught Lucan regarding her, concern shimmering in his eyes the same shade of deep gray as the laden skies. “Alexa, I’d like you to remain until the Bow Street Runner arrives, then we’ll also return to the Needhams’, and Miss Shona can tell the runner what she knows.”

  “Of course.” If she’d an inkling of today’s impending events, Alexa would have remained abed, her head firmly buried beneath her pillows. Pasting a smile on her face, she bid the others farewell. “I’ll be home after I’ve given the runner a statement. Katrina, please make sure Shona has a bath and meal. She can share my chamber.”

  Lucan shook the baron’s hand. “Devaux, are you able to stay at the Needhams’ until the authorities arrive, in case the dowager or Peterson dares to call? They are not to be admitted.”

  Lord Devaux-Rousset gave a short nod. “Oui. I must wait to see Needham in any event.”

  Seonaid sent a martyred look ceiling-ward as they filed from the room.

  Alexa would have that tale from her friend someday.

  Lucan closed the door behind them.

  “How long do you think it will t
ake for the authorities to find and arrest Minerva and Harrison?” Alexa stood before the fire warming her hands. An emotionally and physically numbing chill engulfed her.

  Lucan encircled her from behind and dropped a kiss on her crown. “Knowing Palmer, today.”

  She angled her head to meet his eyes. “That soon? Is there enough evidence to convict them?”

  “With Shona’s testimony, more than enough.” He grinned and kissed her nose. He was always doing that. “She has pluck.”

  “Do you think she’s truly Steafan’s offspring?” Facing the crackling fire once more, Alexa leaned into his embrace, relishing his touch.

  “I think he was a decent man who worried for a young girl’s future once he discovered how corrupt her mother was, and that’s why he claimed her as his.” He rested his chin atop her head. “However, I’m positive he never expected Shona to receive the title. I believe he intended to expose Minerva, if not while alive, then certainly after his death.” He pressed his lips to her crown. “Will you contest the title now?”

  “No. It’s all Shona has left.” Alexa covered his hands encircling her waist, entwining their fingers. Remorse tempered her speech. “I would like to have known my father, yet, I wouldn’t have met Balcomb and the others, never have lived as a traveller. I cannot regret that.”

  “I don’t regret it for an instant. I’d never have met the gypsy termagant intent on skewering me.” He brushed aside the curls at her nape and gently bit the flesh.

  Alexa shuddered, but not from cold. She wanted this man, wanted him in her bed, to father her children, to hold her hand as they ran across the heather-covered moors, to see his face first thing upon wakening every morning and last thing at night until the end of her days.

  Life without him? Utterly unbearable.

  A smile played around the edges of her mouth as she unfastened her spencer. The Lord made her a Scottish Highland traveller. She could endure everything else. For him, she’d learn to host haut ton gatherings, ignore snobbish set downs, try to be a wife, a duchess, he would be proud of.